Executive Function Skills For Physicians

Build a Better Core (BBC): Executive Function Skills for Physicians with ADHD

The Build a Better Core Program offers physicians a safe space to discuss their challenges with ADHD and discover their ADHD strengths. Sessions optimize physician well being through education, skills development, and shared experiences with colleagues.

Past participants note that the collegial environment of shared experiences and practical skills helped them regain their energy for practice and rebuild their personal relationships.

Felt like giving up on clinical medicine, but the program gave hope for improvement and support.

Please note:

  • The cost for physicians outside of BC is $1450 + gst
  • BC Physicians can be covered by MSP. Please email contact@EBHallMD.com to learn what is required.
  • 8 weekly Zoom sessions led by Dr. Elisabeth Baerg Hall.
  • Approximately 10 physicians per group.
  • Executive functioning skills covered include planning, organization, self-monitoring and regulating emotions, optimizing work and personal functioning.

Programs are offered throughout the year during physician accessible times (beginning of day, over lunch, or after hours).

  • Availability to attend all 8 sessions.
  • Computer, laptop, or handheld device with Zoom app and webcam.

Physicians who have a physician or psychologist diagnosis of ADHD and whose other psychiatric conditions, including Depression and Anxiety, are reasonably well controlled.

This program is not suitable for those with active or untreated Bipolar, Substance Use, Psychosis or Personality Disorder.

Please include ADHD assessment and all other psychiatric assessments.

If you are a PHP client, contact your PHP Clinical Coordinator for a referral or call 1-800-663-6729 to be a new PHP client.

Dr. Hall reserves the right to make the final decision on cohort composition after meeting you at a zoom pre-assessment appointment.

BBC Booster Group Subscription for Physicians with ADHD

Stay connected to your BBC physician community and continue your executive function learning journey. This annual subscription provides physicians who have completed the BBC program the opportunity to continue exploring their ADHD journey with their peers.

Together, cohorts will meet monthly to dive into executive function topics in an open and safe space. 

Subscribers will also be able to attend two Executive Function Deep Dive workshops covering topics like sleep, procrastination, and emotional regulation each year at no cost.

Dr. Hall reserves the right to make the final decision on cohort composition based on your BBC participation.

$950 + gst / year

Executive Function Skills for Healthcare Providers: Deep Dive Workshops

On-line workshops that provide a deep dive into specific Executive Function skills like: Sleep Management, Planning, Prioritization, Time Management, Procrastination, and Emotional Regulation. Participants also get access to ADHD Skills Builder modules.

These 2 hour workshops are offered bi-monthly. See our schedule below with course descriptions.

Descriptions pending

$225 + gst